European Market Analysis and Access Strategy

Once the decision is made to pursue market access for a digital health product, determining the market will be one of the most important first tasks.

Reimbursement and financing pathways for digital health products are currently poorly defined in some European countries, while other European countries have already developed a dense set of regulations. The needs of European patients and their requirements for digital health solutions differ significantly depending on the market.

Without a doubt: the European markets are in a state of flux. Therefore, reimbursement will be a constantly evolving process that requires in-depth country-specific knowledge. Flexibility in finding creative ideas for reimbursement is required. All steps in market access will need to be routinely monitored and re-evaluated due to the constant changes in European markets for digital health products.

IGES Digital knows the challenges of the European lead markets for digital health products - and not only from the perspective of the providers. We have a lot of experience in evaluating and assessing health economiomic aspects in digital health. We know the perspectives of payers and patients inside out, because we work for all healthcare stakeholders and know their mindset, demands and reservations. Carefully and based on high scientific knowledge, we evaluate markets and develop step by step an access strategy that takes into account the perspectives of all stakeholders in the healthcare system. This makes us a unique partner in the market launch of digital health products.

Digital Health Apps in Germany

Market Access and Reimbursement for Digital Health Apps in Germany
New, expanded edition with additional information on digital nursing care apps.
Learn more with our 36 paged guide.

If you would like to order the guide, please write an email to Ms. Agata Daroszewska.

Digital Health Apps in Germany