DiGAs and DiPAs - from concept to market success

Digital health and nursing care applications on prescription (DiGAs & DiPAs) represent a major step forward - not only for patients, but also for the German healthcare system. IGES Digital is your expert partner for successfully bringing innovative, digital health applications to the German market.

DiGAs and DiPAs - digital health solutions in Germany

It is not only for start-ups and developers of digital solutions that DiGAs and DiPAs are a business model. Biotech and pharmaceutical companies as well as medical technology manufacturers use these digital health solutions to provide better care for patients, establish digital and data-driven business models, and prove the medical benefits of their products to payers.

Comprehensive support right from the start

IGES Digital is your strategic partner for the development of DiGAs and DiPAs - from the initial idea to registration and reimbursement. Whether in existing startup partnerships or for customized solutions, we help you minimize your risk and optimize your time-to-market for your digital health product. As a result, you will manage to bring your digital innovation to German patients and successfully commercialize it. We support developers of digital solutions as well as medical technology and pharmaceutical companies that expand their existing product portfolio with digital, patient-centric healthcare solutions to offer comprehensive therapeutic solutions.

Digital Health Apps in Germany

Market Access and Reimbursement for Digital Health Apps in Germany
New, expanded edition with additional information on digital nursing care apps.
Learn more with our 36 paged guide.

If you would like to order the guide, please write an email to Ms. Agata Daroszewska.

Digital Health Apps in Germany