DiPA - the new digital application in nursing care in Germany

A DiPA is a digital nursing care application that is designed to help patients cope better with everyday care. DiPAs can be used by care recipients to stabilize or improve their own state of health through exercises (e.g., fall risk prevention, personalized memory games for people with dementia). They can also improve communication with family members and care professionals. DiPAs can be used either as an app on mobile devices (e.g. smartphone, tablet) or as a browser-based web application on a computer or laptop.

DiPAs are not available by prescription. In order for a digital nursing app to be reimbursed by the long-term care insurance fund, it must have been included in the directory for digital long-term care aids (DiPA directory). Only the DiPAs listed there are reimbursed. Anyone who wants to use a DiPA must submit an application to the long-term care insurance fund to have the costs covered. The care insurance fund pays up to 50 euros per month for a digital nursing application in this case.

The characteristics of a DiPA:

  • Unlike a DiGA, a DiPA does not have to be a medical device, but can be listed as a low-risk class I or IIa medical device.
  • The primary function of the DiPA must be based on digital technologies (software) that serve a nursing benefit. The DiPA must not serve exclusively to read or control devices.
  • The goal of the DiPA is to reduce the impairment of the independence or abilities of nursing care recipients or to counteract a deterioration in the need for nursing care.
  • DiPA can be used by care recipients alone or together with family caregivers, volunteer caregivers, or licensed outpatient nursing care services.
  • A DiPA serves to stabilize the home care situation of those in need of nursing care and not primarily to support outpatient nursing care services.
  • A DiPA does not serve to provide assistance with general living needs or general living, to impart knowledge, to apply for benefits, or to provide information and advice on social benefits or further assistance.

Digital Health Apps in Germany

Market Access and Reimbursement for Digital Health Apps in Germany
New, expanded edition with additional information on digital nursing care apps.
Learn more with our 36 paged guide.

If you would like to order the guide, please write an email to Ms. Agata Daroszewska.

Digital Health Apps in Germany